Frequently Asked Questions

What is your student to tutor ratio?
We have a high tutor to student ratio to ensure that student get the best out of their time at Step Forward Tuition. Working in small groups generates great discussions and gives students the opportunity to learn from their peers. There will never be any more than 8 students per class. Studies show that small groups of up to 8 students has the same benefits as 1-1 tuition.
Do you support the national curriculum?
Yes, our tutors ensure that sessions support the national curriculum and equip students with the knowledge to excel in their school work.
Does having tutoring guarantee my child will pass?
All students are unique and come to the centre with different starting points. The aim for every student is to pass, however goals must be realistic. A couple of hours at the centre is not enough and students must be prepared to put in extra revision and do the homework set by the tutor. A student that only attends 2 sessions a week is less likely to achieve the grade they want than a student who attends 2 sessions a week, does their homework and does extra revision during the week. Parents will always be kept up to date with their child’s progress and if there is ever a time that a tutor doesn’t expect your child to pass then a meeting will be arranged to discuss a way forward.
Will I get feedback on my child's progress?
Yes, every term we have parents evening where we discuss your child’s progress and any recommendations we have. If there are any concerns regarding your child then we will contact you immediately to discuss ways to move forward. Parents are always welcome to arrange a meeting with the tutor to discuss any concerns they may have.
Are Tutors qualified?
Our Tutors are educated to degree level and have years of experience tutoring young people. Our other members of staff are well educated and have a real passion for teaching! See our ‘meet the team’ section to read more about our staff members.
Is there a sibling discount?
Yes, of course! We want our tuition to be as affordable for families as possible so we apply a 5% discount for siblings.
How do I pay?
Payments must be made in advance for the month. This can be paid by cash, standing order or by bank transfer. If you are in receipt of benefits, excluding child benefit then please let us know as we can apply a 10% discount.
Can my child complete homework in a tuition session?
We advise that students do not bring homework to group sessions, unless it is due to them finding a topic difficult. We aim to teach topics in detail and we feel that a quick overview of a topic is simply not enough for a student to implement it in different scenarios. We are always happy for a student to bring homework to a 1-1 session where we can spend as much time as necessary for them to grasp a concept.
What happens if my child is ill?
If your child is ill then please let us know at your earliest convenience. We allow students to have 1 absence per term which is not charged for however we do require you to inform us before 9am the day of their session.
Can my child bring their own laptop to complete work?
Step Forward Tuition will not be held responsible for the loss or damage of any students property. We advise students to leave their laptops and tablets at home unless using our free study rooms to avoid the risk of them getting damaged or lost.
Are you first aid trained?
Yes, we ensure our tutors have undergone First Aid training including Paediatric First Aid training.
Are staff DBS checked?
All of our staff that work closely with students have undergone an Enhanced DBS check and have carried out the relevant safeguarding and child protection training.